Walking (back to the Bristol) through Commonwealth Park at night is as magical an experience as walking through it during the day; with everything lit up by strategically placed lights the place takes on a totally different aura. The conversations as we walked revolved around everything from the fabulous meal we had all just eaten at the Waterfront to ‘we must book early to get rooms at the Bristol next year’ – which said it all to me; clearly they wanted to return and I was delighted to hear that.*


I have a tendency of either walking behind the group or walking on ahead, partly because I’m either taking photos or in a world of my own thinking about things. As I beetled on behind the group Carol turned around and said “Alan what are you doing tomorrow because Joe wants a good walk out?”. Without thinking too hard about it I replied that I was off to see the 100-ton gun down Rosia way. “Is that on flats?” she asked. “Yes” says I. “Settled then” says she.




As I drifted off to sleep that night images of my week (to date) came and went through my mind; there were so many that my brain almost felt as though it had been hit by a freight train (albeit a nice freight train). I couldn’t remember a week when I had done so many positive things before which had left memories stuck so strongly in my consciousness. And although Carol, Sheila and Joe hadn’t explored quite to the degree that I had I was really glad that they were enjoying their visit and that they wanted to return. What more could I ask? 

With a full belly and a happy mind I closed my eyes wondering what that 100-ton gun looked like.